Monday, April 30, 2007

This is why I blog

When I see this type of crap... it drives me crazy:
Romney's 'sixth son' handles campaign money
By Thomas Burr The Salt Lake Tribune
TribuneArticle Last Updated:04/29/2007 01:29:48 AM MDTWASHINGTON -

Mitt Romney has five sons, but if he had another, it would be Spencer
Zwick.The 28-year-old Salt Lake City native has been the presidential
candidate's right-hand man for years, and now asRomney's national finance
director, he is heading up the most crucial part of Romney's White House
bidRomney's national finance director, he is heading up the most crucial part of
Romney's White House bid.
Tagg/fagg probably came up with this idea because he saw that I was starting to make some noise, so what do you do? Throw people off the trail by saying, "of course Dad has a "sixth son", but not a real one. Chuckle. Laugh, move on. Screw you Tagg/fag.

I am not going away! And how appropos is it that Dad's fake sixth son is his son because he makes money for Dad instead of sucking it out of him like the 5 jerks do.

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